River Voices April 2015 Issue: Water Security & Sustainability

River Voices Newsletter, April 2015Table of Contents

Ghost Rivers: by Brian Richter and Nicole Silk
Water Markets: by Aaron Derwingson, Patrick McCarthy and Taylor Hawes
Partnering with Agriculture: by Zach Smith
Environmental Water Transactions: by Season Martin
Protecting Our Nation’s Watersheds: by Jonathan Radtke

In This Issue

A few years ago on one of our family and friends rafting trips, my daughter asked me what would happen if the river ran dry. We had a wide ranging conversation that eventually included our whole crew, ebbing and flowing through the rest of our days on the water. By the end of that trip, the focus had shifted to why we need advocates for keeping our rivers wet and who might be an advocate. Our exploration barely scratched the surface, but we sure had fun along the way.

This issue of River Voices attempts to recreate the spirit of that exploration. We have collected a great set articles to get you thinking about whether we have ample water in our rivers for people and nature, what do we when the answer is no, tools for determining how your river is doing and how much water your river needs, and some new perspectives. Thank you contributors! We don’t attempt to provide you with definitive answers or all perspectives. Rather, we hope to inspire you to explore further.
– Nicole Silk, President

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