Applications Open for Our Latest SRF Cohort (And You’ll Be Paid!)
Calling all water justice-oriented community based organizations! Are you looking to understand and influence how and where State Revolving Funds (SRFs) are distributed in your state? The SRF [...]
New York Cumulative Impacts Law (SB 8830/AB 2103D)
Signed into law 12/31/22 New York’s cumulative impact law amends the state’s environmental conservation law to address permitting decisions made by relevant state agencies. Agencies [...]
Water policy: environmental justice & disadvantaged and tribal communities (AB 2108)
9/12/2022 passed legislature, goes into effect [add!] This bill adds new sections to the Water Code of California directing the State Water Resources Control Board to “identify issues of [...]
SB 994/AB 3329 An Act concerning local and public utility service and affordability
September 13, 2022 Signed into law This legislation requires the Board of Public Utilities (BPU) to collect data on consumers’ ability to afford utility bills, including water and sewer [...]