River Voices Volume 13 Number 3, 2003: Enforcing the Clean Water Act: A Tool For Smarter Growth

Table of Contents

1 Enforcing the Clean Water Act: A Tool for Smarter Growth by Gayle Killam

1 A Message from U.S. EPA on Smart Growth by Lynn Richards

3 From the President

8 The Clean Water Act & Sprawl by Albert Ettinger & Cynthia Skrukrud

10 Stopping Construction in Vermont by Gayle Killam

12 Antidegradation is Anti-Pollution, Not Anti-Growth by John Wilmer

14 Citizens Take on Wetland Protection: Elk Rapids, Michigan by Scott McEwen

17 Including Growth in the “Clean-Up” Plan by Merritt Frey

20 Just the Facts Compiled by Katherine Luscher

22  Resources & References

23  River Network Partnership

Resource Materials