All State Policies: Arizona

Who’s Responsible?

Below are short descriptions of relevant state agencies/departments by policy topic, followed by more information on specific policies.

Drinking Water: Arizona Department of Environmental Quality oversees regulated public water systems in the state, working with two of Arizona’s most populous counties (Maricopa and Pima) to administer the Safe Drinking Water Act and Arizona’s drinking water rules. ADEQ Safe Drinking Water Program oversees all aspects of the state’s safe drinking water programs except on tribal lands, which are regulated by the EPA.   



Drinking Water

Small Drinking Water Systems Fund Act No. 213 (HB 2049)


Amended Chapter 213, Section 49-355 of Arizona Revised Statutes to expand grant eligibility for small public water systems. Small drinking water systems fund monies are appropriated by the legislature to provide grants to operators/owners of small drinking water systems to repair, replace, or upgrade water infrastructure in order to correct or avoid an interruption in water service. Grants are dispersed by the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona. Grant agreements include performance targets and dates, terms for payment, and any repayment requirements. A “small drinking water system” is a public water system that serves 10,000 or fewer people.

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Water Improvements Program (AZ SB 1459)


Allows county board of supervisors to create a program offering financial assistance to low- and fixed-income homeowners to make improvements on existing drinking water wells or to provide water delivery system for the residence. Funding would come from people making gifts, grants, or donations. The Act outlined the Board’s responsibilities to designate an entity to operate the program, establish criteria for grants, and does not allow the board of supervisors to use general county monies for grants.

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Environmental Justice

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Healthy Rivers

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Open Water Data

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