All State Policies: Maryland

Who’s Responsible?

Below are short descriptions of relevant state agencies/departments by policy topic, followed by more information on specific policies.

Drinking Water: The Water Supply Program is part of the Water and Science Administration within the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). The mission of the Water Supply Program is to ensure safe and sustainable supplies of water for drinking and other purposes to meet current and future needs of communities and ecosystems.” There are over 3,000 public water systems and 474 community water systems in the state.

Environmental Justice: Maryland’s Department of the Environment‘s mission regarding environmental justice is to “emphasize improvements in quality of life, economic development, and environmental protection for all communities.” The Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities (CEJSC) is a 20-member body that advises state government on EJ issues, laws, and policies. 


Drinking Water

Water Taxpayer Protection Act of 2019


The Water Taxpayer Act of 2019 (SB 96) applies to Baltimore City. The Act requires the collector in Baltimore City to withhold from tax sale places of worship if taxes on the property consist only of a lien for unpaid charges for water and sewer service, and repeals the authority of the Mayor and City Council to sell real property owned by religious groups or organization to enforce a lien for unpaid charges for water and sewer service. Additionally, the collector shall withhold from sale residential property or property that is exempt from taxation if the taxes on the property consist only of a lien for unpaid charges for water and sewer service. The City may not sell a property solely to enforce a lien for unpaid charges for water and sewer service unless the lien is for at least $350 and the property is not a residential property or real property that is exempt from taxation.  

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Environmental Justice

Environment- Permit Applications- Environmental Justice Screening (Senate Bill 0818/House Bill 1200)


Requires applicants for certain permits from the Department of the Environment to include an EJ Score as part of the application using the Maryland EJ tool and may require notices regarding permit applications. The score is calculated with indicators of pollution burden exposure, pollution burden environmental effects, sensitive populations, and socioeconomic factors.

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Healthy Rivers

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Open Water Data

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