This piece was written by Abbie Dusseldorp, Groundwork USA (a Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program grants national pass-through partner, as is River Network) and originally [...]
Watching the Verde’s muddy-colored water soar downstream following several days of rain was an impressive reminder of how dynamic our rivers are as well as the flooding you can encounter even in [...]
This is a guest blog post by Aaron Dickinson, a Masters of Public Policy student at Duke University who joined River Network this past summer as an intern. How can trash collection and clean up [...]
River Network kicked off 2021 by granting 8 local organizations with funds and technical assistance to design and implement community-led research projects in their communities: the last eight [...]
On November 7, 2020, the US presidential election was called for former Vice President Joe Biden. This election was historic for many reasons — occurring during an ongoing global pandemic, [...]
What do dragonfly collection, snorkeling to observe mussels and bioassessment workshops on Wild and Scenic Rivers have in common? This summer, these activities are part of three of the seven [...]